Jonas Mücke, Marcin Nawrocki, Raphael Hiesgen, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, ReACKed QUICer: Measuring the Performance of Instant Acknowledgments in QUIC Handshakes, In: Proc. of ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), pp. 389--400, New York: ACM, 2024.
Raphael Hiesgen, Marcin Nawrocki, Marinho Barcellos, Daniel Kopp, Oliver Hohlfeld, Echo Chan, Roland Dobbins, Christian Doerr, Christian Rossow, Daniel R. Thomas, Mattijs Jonker, Ricky Mok, Xiapu Luo, John Kristoff, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, kc claffy, The Age of DDoScovery: An Empirical Comparison of Industry and Academic DDoS Assessments, In: Proc. of ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), pp. 259--279, New York: ACM, 2024.
Mikolai Gütschow, Matthias Wählisch, Poster: Towards a Digital Payment System for the Constrained Internet of Thing, In: Proc. of the 2024 Poster Session of the 8th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy, pp. 14--16, Zenodo, 2024.
Maynard Koch, Marcin Nawrocki, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Transparent DNS Forwarders: A (Still) Unnoticed Component of the Open DNS Infrastructure, In: Proc. of Workshop on DNS and Internet Naming Research (DINR2024), Information Science Institut (USC), Los Angeles, April 2024.
Martine S. Lenders, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Secure Name Resolution in the IoT, In: Proc. of Workshop on DNS and Internet Naming Research (DINR2024), Information Science Institut (USC), Los Angeles, April 2024.
Pouyan Fotouhi Tehrani, Raphael Hiesgen, Teresa Lübeck, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Do CAA, CT, and DANE Interlink in Certificate Deployments? A Web PKI Measurement Study, In: Proc. of 8th Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2024.
Martine S. Lenders, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, A Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) of DNS Messages, individual, IETF Internet Draft -- work in progress, No. 08, June 2024.
Martine S. Lenders, Christian Amsüss, Cenk Gündogan, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, DNS over CoAP (DoC), IETF, IETF Internet Draft -- work in progress, No. 08, September 2024.
Pouyan Fotouhi Tehrani, Eric Osterweil, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, A Security Model for Web-Based Communication, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 67, No. 10, pp. 83--90, 2024.
Raphael Hiesgen, Marcin Nawrocki, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, The Log4j Incident: A Comprehensive Measurement Study of a Critical Vulnerability, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2024. accepted for publication
Peter Kietzmann, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, PUF for the Commons: Enhancing Embedded Security on the OS Level, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 2194--2210, July/August 2024.
Nils Rodday, Ítalo Cunha, Randy Bush, Ethan Katz-Bassett, Gabi Dreo Rodosek, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, The Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI): A Survey on Measurements and Future Prospects, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 2353--2373, April 2024.
Pouyan Fotouhi Tehrani, Eric Osterweil, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, How to Measure TLS, X.509 Certificates, and Web PKI: A Tutorial and Brief Survey, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:2401.18053, February 2024.
Marcin Nawrocki, John Kristoff, Chris Kanich, Raphael Hiesgen, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, SoK: A Data-driven View on Methods to Detect Reflective Amplification DDoS Attacks Using Honeypots, In: Proc. of IEEE Euro Security \& Privacy, pp. 576--591, Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, July 2023.
Martine S. Lenders, Christian Amsüss, Cenk Gündogan, Marcin Nawrocki, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Securing Name Resolution in the IoT: DNS over CoAP, Proceedings of the ACM on Networking, Vol. 1, No. CoNEXT2, pp. 6:1--6:25, September 2023.
Marcin Nawrocki, John Kristoff, Raphael Hiesgen, Chris Kanich, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, SoK: A Data-driven View on Methods to Detect Reflective Amplification DDoS Attacks Using Honeypots, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:2302.04614, February 2023.
Peter Kietzmann, Thomas C.Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, PUF for the Commons: Enhancing Embedded Security on the OS Level, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. 2301.07048, January 2023.
Peter Kietzmann, On Information-centric Resiliency and System-level Security in Constrained, Wireless Communication, Freie Universität Berlin, Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, 2023.
Marcin Nawrocki, Pouyan Fotouhi Tehrani, Raphael Hiesgen, Jonas Mücke, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, On the Interplay between TLS Certificates and QUIC Performance, In: Proc. of 18th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), pp. 204--213, New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2022. Best Paper Award, Best Community Contribution Award
Raphael Hiesgen, Marcin Nawrocki, Alistair King, Alberto Dainotti, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Spoki: Unveiling a New Wave of Scanners through a Reactive Network Telescope, In: Proc. of 31st USENIX Security Symposium, pp. 431--448, Berkeley, CA, USA: USENIX Association, 2022.
Özgür Kesim, Christian Grothoff, Florian Dold, Martin Schanzenbach, Zero-Knowledge Age Restriction for GNU Taler, In: Computer Security -- ESORICS 2022, (Vijayalakshmi Atluri, Roberto Di Pietro, Christian D. Jensen, Weizhi Meng Ed.), pp. 110--129, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Pouyan Fotouhi Tehrani, Eric Osterweil, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, SoK: Public Key and Namespace Management in NDN, In: Proc. of 9th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN), pp. 67--79, New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2022.
Lena Boeckmann, Peter Kietzmann, Leandro Lanzieri, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Usable Security for an IoT OS: Integrating the Zoo of Embedded Crypto Components Below a Common API, In: Proc. of 19th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), pp. 84--95, New York: ACM, 2022. accepted for publication
Raphael Hiesgen, Marcin Nawrocki, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, The Race to the Vulnerable: Measuring the Log4j Shell Incident, In: Proc. of Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), IFIP, 2022.
Leandro Lanzieri, Peter Kietzmann, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Secure and Authorized Client-to-Client Communication for LwM2M, In: Proc. of 21st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), pp. 146--158, Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2022.
Lena Boeckmann, Peter Kietzmann, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Poster Abstract: Offloading Crypto Processing with RIOT, In: Proc. of 21st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), pp. 535--536, Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2022.
Martine S. Lenders, Christian Amsüss, Cenk Gündogan, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, DNS over CoAP (DoC), individual, IETF Internet Draft -- work in progress, No. 04, July 2022.
Eric Osterweil, Pouyan Fotouhi Tehrani, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, From the Beginning: Key Transitions in the First 15 Years of DNSSEC, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 5265--5283, Dec. 2022.
Cenk Gündogan, Christian Amsüss, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Content Object Security in the Internet of Things: Challenges, Prospects, and Emerging Solutions, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 538--553, IEEE, March 2022.
Marcin Nawrocki, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Industrial Control Protocols in the Internet Core: Dismantling Operational Practices, Wiley International Journal of Network Management, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. e2158:1--e2158:20, January/February 2022.
Peter Kietzmann, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, A Guideline on Pseudorandom Number Generation (PRNG) in the IoT, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 54, No. 6, pp. 112:1--112:38, July 2022.
Jonas Mücke, Marcin Nawrocki, Raphael Hiesgen, Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Georg Carle, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Waiting for QUIC: On the Opportunities of Passive Measurements to Understand QUIC Deployments, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:2209.00965, September 2022.
Martine Lenders, Christian Amsüss, Cenk Gündogan, Marcin Nawrocki, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Securing name resolution in the IoT: DNS over CoAP, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:2207.07486, July 2022.
Johann Schlamp, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Auslandsverbindungen und CDN-Kompetenz (ZwIBACK). Zweite Internet Backbone-Studie, BSI, February 2022.
Cenk Gündogan, Information-centric Networking for the Constrained Internet of Things, Freie Universität Berlin, Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, July 2022.
Marcin Nawrocki, Maynard Koch, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Transparent Forwarders: An Unnoticed Component of the Open DNS Infrastructure, In: Proc. of 17th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), pp. 454--462, New York: ACM, 2021.
Marcin Nawrocki, Mattijs Jonker, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, The Far Side of DNS Amplification: Tracing the DDoS Attack Ecosystem from the Internet Core, In: Proc. of ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), pp. 419--434, New York: ACM, 2021.
Marcin Nawrocki, Raphael Hiesgen, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, QUICsand: Quantifying QUIC Reconnaissance Scans and DoS Flooding Events, In: Proc. of ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), pp. 283--291, New York: ACM, 2021.
Nils Rodday, Lukas Kaltenbach, Italo Cunha, Randy Bush, Ethan Katz-Bassett, Gabi Dreo Rodosek, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, On the Deployment of Default Routes in Inter-domain Routing, In: Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Technologies Applications and Uses of a Responsible Internet (TAURIN'21), pp. 14--20, New York, USA: ACM, 2021.
Nils Rodday, Italo Cunha, Randy Bush, Ethan Katz-Bassett, Gabi Dreo Rodosek, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Revisiting RPKI Route Origin Validation on the Data Plane, In: Proc. of Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), IFIP, 2021.
Pouyan Fotouhi Tehrani, Eric Osterweil, Jochen H. Schiller, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Security of Alerting Authorities in the WWW: Measuring Namespaces, DNSSEC, and Web PKI, In: Proc. of 30th The Web Conference (WWW), pp. 2709--2720, New York, USA: ACM, April 2021.
Leandro Lanzieri, Peter Kietzmann, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Poster Abstract: Third Party Authorization of LwM2M Clients, In: Proc. of ACM/IEEE Int. Conf. on Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI), pp. 263--264, New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2021.
Peter Kietzmann, Lena Boeckmann, Leandro Lanzieri, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, A Performance Study of Crypto-Hardware in the Low-end IoT, In: Proc. of 18th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), New York: ACM, 2021.
Cenk Gündogan, Peter Kietzmann, Martine S. Lenders, Hauke Petersen, Michael Frey, Thomas C. Schmidt, Felix Shzu-Juraschek, Matthias Wählisch, The Impact of Networking Protocols on Massive M2M Communication in the Industrial IoT, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 4814--4828, IEEE, 2021.
Eric Osterweil, Pouyan Fotouhi Tehrani, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, From the Beginning: Key Transitions in the First 15 Years of DNSSEC, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:2109.08783, September 2021.
Cenk Gündogan, Christian Amsüss, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Networking Group Content: RESTful Multiparty Access to a Data-centric Web of Things, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:2104.01587, February 2021.
Peter Kietzmann, Lena Boeckmann, Leandro Lanzieri, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, A Performance Study of Crypto-Hardware in the Low-end IoT, Cryptology ePrint Archive, Technical Report, No. 2021/058, January 2021.
John Kristoff, Randy Bush, Chris Kanich, George Michaelson, Amreesh Phokeer, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, On Measuring RPKI Relying Parties, In: Proc. of ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), pp. 484--491, New York: ACM, 2020.
Caitlin Gray, Clemens Mosig, Randy Bush, Cristel Pelsser, Matthew Roughan, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, BGP Beacons, Network Tomography, and Bayesian Computation to Locate Route Flap Damping, In: Proc. of ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), pp. 492--505, New York: ACM, 2020.
Cenk Gündogan, Christian Amsüss, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Toward a RESTful Information-Centric Web of Things: A Deeper Look at Data Orientation in CoAP, In: Proc. of 7th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN), pp. 77--88, New York: ACM, September 2020.
Cenk Gündogan, Christian Amsüss, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, IoT Content Object Security with OSCORE and NDN: A First Experimental Comparison, In: Proc. of 19th IFIP Networking Conference, pp. 19--27, Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2020. Best Paper Award
Marcin Nawrocki, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Uncovering Vulnerable Industrial Control Systems from the Internet Core, In: Proc. of 17th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE Press, 2020.
Pouyan Fotouhi Tehrani, Eric Osterweil, Jochen H. Schiller, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Who ya gonna call? (Alerting Authorities): Measuring Namespaces, Web Certificates, and DNSSEC, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:2008.10497, August 2020.
Peter Kietzmann, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, A Guideline on Pseudorandom Number Generation (PRNG) in the IoT, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:2007.11839, July 2020.
Cenk Gündogan, Christian Amsüss, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, IoT Content Object Security with OSCORE and NDN: A First Experimental Comparison, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:2001.08023, January 2020.
Pouyan Fotouhi Tehrani, Eric Osterweil, Jochen Schiller, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Authenticated Communication in Crises: Toward an Infrastructureless Trust Model for Challenged Networks, In: Proc. of International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM), Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2019.
Marcin Nawrocki, Jeremias Blendin, Christoph Dietzel, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Down the Black Hole: Dismantling Operational Practices of BGP Blackholing at IXPs, In: Proc. of ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), pp. 435--448, New York: ACM, 2019.
Pouyan Fotouhi Tehrani, Eric Osterweil, Jochen Schiller, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, The Missing Piece: On Namespace Management in NDN and How DNSSEC Might Help, In: Proc. of 6th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN), pp. 37--43, New York: ACM, 2019.
Pouyan Fotouhi Tehrani, Luca Keidel, Eric Osterweil, Jochen Schiller, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, NDNSSEC: Namespace Management in NDN with DNSSEC, In: Proc. of 6th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Demo Session, pp. 171--172, New York: ACM, 2019.
Michael Frey, Cenk Gündogan, Peter Kietzmann, Martine Lenders, Hauke Petersen, Thomas C. Schmidt, Felix Shzu-Juraschek, Matthias Wählisch, Security for the Industrial IoT: The Case for Information-Centric Networking, In: Proc. of IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), pp. 424--429, IEEE, 2019.
Jasper Eumann, Raphael Hiesgen, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, A Reproducibility Study of ``IP Spoofing Detection in Inter-Domain Traffic'', Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:1911.05164, November 2019.
Marcin Nawrocki, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Uncovering Vulnerable Industrial Control Systems from the Internet Core, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:1901.04411, January 2019.
Vaibhav Bajpai, Anna Brunstrom, Anja Feldmann, Wolfgang Kellerer, Aiko Pras, Henning Schulzrinne, Georgios Smaragdakis, Matthias Wählisch, Klaus Wehrle, The Dagstuhl Beginners Guide to Reproducibility for Experimental Networking Research, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 24--30, January 2019. Editorial note
Secure Routing for the Internet (Dagstuhl Seminar 18242), Dagstuhl Reports, (Phillipa Gill, Adrian Perrig, Matthias Wählisch Ed.), Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 40--62, Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2019.
Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Theodor Nolte, Johanna Amann, Lexi Brent, Georg Carle, Ralph Holz, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, The Rise of Certificate Transparency and Its Implications on the Internet Ecosystem, In: Proc. of ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), pp. 343--349, New York: ACM, 2018.
Nico Hinze, Marcin Nawrocki, Mattijs Jonker, Alberto Dainotti, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, On the Potential of BGP Flowspec for DDoS Mitigation at Two Sources: ISP and IXP, In: Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM. Poster Session, pp. 57--59, New York, NY, USA: ACM, August 2018.
Andreas Reuter, Randy Bush, Italo Cunha, Ethan Katz-Bassett, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Towards a Rigorous Methodology for Measuring Adoption of RPKI Route Validation and Filtering, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 19--27, ACM, January 2018.
Matthias Flittner, Mohamed Naoufal Mahfoudi, Damien Saucez, Matthias Wählisch, Luigi Iannone, Vaibhav Bajpai, Alex Afanasyev, A Survey on Artifacts from CoNEXT, ICN, IMC, and SIGCOMM Conferences in 2017, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 75--80, January 2018. Editorial note
Andreas Reuter, Randy Bush, Ítalo Cunha, Ethan Katz-Bassett, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Towards a Rigorous Methodology for Measuring Adoption of RPKI Route Validation and Filtering, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:1706.04263, June 2017.
Edith Ngai, Börje Ohlman, Gene Tsudik, Ersin Uzun, Matthias Wählisch, Christopher A. Wood, Can We Make a Cake and Eat It Too? A Discussion of ICN Security and Privacy, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 49--54, January 2017. Editorial note
Johannes Klick, Stephan Lau, Matthias Wählisch, Volker Roth, Towards Better Internet Citizenship: Reducing the Footprint of Internet-wide Scans by Topology Aware Prefix Selection, In: Proc. of ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), pp. 421--427, New York: ACM, 2016.
Thomas C. Schmidt, Sebastian Wölke, Nora Berg, Matthias Wählisch, Let's Collect Names: How PANINI Limits FIB Tables in Name Based Routing, In: Proc. of IFIP Networking, pp. 458--466, Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE Press, 2016.
Heiner Perrey, Martin Landsmann, Osman Ugus, Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, TRAIL: Topology Authentication in RPL, In: Proc. of ACM International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), pp. 59--64, New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2016.
Marcin Nawrocki, Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, Christian Keil, Jochen Schönfelder, A Survey on Honeypot Software and Data Analysis, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:1608.06249, August 2016.
Johannes Klick, Stephan Lau, Matthias Wählisch, Volker Roth, Towards Better Internet Citizenship: Reducing the Footprint of Internet-wide Scans by Topology Aware Prefix Selection, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:1605.05856, May 2016.
Johann Schlamp, Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, Georg Carle, Ernst W. Biersack, CAIR: Using Formal Languages to Study Routing, Leaking, and Interception in BGP, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:1605.00618, May 2016.
Matthias Wählisch, Measuring and Implementing Internet Backbone Security: Current Challenges, Upcoming Deployment, and Future Trends, Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, February 2016.
Matthias Wählisch, Robert Schmidt, Thomas C. Schmidt, Olaf Maennel, Steve Uhlig, Gareth Tyson, RiPKI: The Tragic Story of RPKI Deployment in the Web Ecosystem, In: Proc. of Fourteenth ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets), New York: ACM, 2015.
Samir Al-Sheikh, Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, Revisiting Countermeasures Against NDN Interest Flooding, In: Proc. of 2nd ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN). Poster Session, pp. 195--196, New York: ACM, 2015.
Thomas C. Schmidt, Sebastian Wölke, Nora Berg, Matthias Wählisch, Partial Adaptive Name Information in ICN: PANINI Routing Limits FIB Table Sizes, In: Proc. of 2nd ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN). Poster Session, pp. 193--194, New York: ACM, 2015.
Giancarlo Pellegrino, Christian Rossow, Fabrice J. Ryba, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Cashing out the Great Cannon? On Browser-Based DDoS Attacks and Economics, In: Proc. of 9th USENIX Security Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT), Berkeley, CA, USA: USENIX Assoc., 2015.
Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, See How ISPs Care: An RPKI Validation Extension for Web Browsers, In: Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM Demo Session, pp. 115--116, New York: ACM, August 2015.
Andreas Reuter, Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, RPKI MIRO: Monitoring and Inspection of RPKI Objects, In: Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM Demo Session, pp. 107--108, New York: ACM, August 2015.
Tobias Markmann, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Federated End-to-End Authentication for the Constrained Internet of Things using IBC and ECC, In: Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM Poster Session, pp. 603--604, New York: ACM, August 2015.
Johann Schlamp, Josef Gustafsson, Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, Georg Carle, The Abandoned Side of the Internet: Hijacking Internet Resources When Domain Names Expire, In: Proc. of 7th International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA), (Moritz Steiner, Pere Barlet-Ros, Olivier Bonaventure Ed.), ser. LNCS, Vol. 9053, pp. 188--201, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2015.
Fabrice J. Ryba, Matthew Orlinski, Matthias Wählisch, Christian Rossow, Thomas C. Schmidt, Amplification and DRDoS Attack Defense -- A Survey and New Perspectives, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:1505.07892, June 2015.
Matthias Vallentin, Dominik Charousset, Thomas C. Schmidt, Vern Paxson, Matthias Wählisch, Native Actors: How to Scale Network Forensics, In: Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM. Demo session, pp. 141--142, New York: ACM, 2014.
Emmanuel Baccelli, Oliver Hahm, Matthias Wählisch, Spontaneous Wireless Networking to Counter Pervasive Monitoring, In: Proc. of W3C/IAB workshop on Strengthening the Internet Against Pervasive Monitoring (STRINT), 2014.
Randy Bush, Rob Austein, Keyur Patel, Hannes Gredler, Matthias Waehlisch, Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Router Implementation Report, RFC Editor, IETF, RFC, No. 7128, February 2014.
Johann Schlamp, Josef Gustafsson, Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, Georg Carle, The Abandoned Side of the Internet: Hijacking Internet Resources When Domain Names Expire, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:1412.5052, December 2014.
Matthias Wählisch, Robert Schmidt, Thomas C. Schmidt, Olaf Maennel, Steve Uhlig, When BGP Security Meets Content Deployment: Measuring and Analysing RPKI-Protection of Websites, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:1408.0391, August 2014.
Matthias Wählisch, Fabian Holler, Thomas C. Schmidt, Jochen H. Schiller, RTRlib: An Open-Source Library in C for RPKI-based Prefix Origin Validation, In: Proc. of 7th USENIX Security Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET), Berkeley, CA, USA: USENIX Assoc., 2013.
Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, Markus Vahlenkamp, Lessons from the Past: Why Data-driven States Harm Future Information-Centric Networking, In: Proc. of IFIP Networking, Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE Press, 2013.
Martin Landsmann, Heiner Perrey, Osman Ugus, Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, Topology Authentication in RPL, In: Proc. of the 32nd IEEE INFOCOM. Poster Session, pp. 2447--2448, Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE Press, 2013.
Randy Bush, Rob Austein, Keyur Patel, Hannes Gredler, Matthias Waehlisch, RPKI Router Implementation Report, SIDR Working Group, IETF Internet Draft -- work in progress, No. 05, December 2013.
Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, Markus Vahlenkamp, Backscatter from the Data Plane -- Threats to Stability and Security in Information-Centric Network Infrastructure, Computer Networks, Vol. 57, No. 16, pp. 3192--3206, Elsevier, Nov. 2013.
Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Dominik Charousset, Sebastian Meiling, On Name-based Group Communication: Challenges, Concepts, and Transparent Deployment, Computer Communications, Vol. 36, No. 15--16, pp. 1657--1664, Elsevier, Sep.-Oct. 2013.
Heiner Perrey, Martin Landsmann, Osman Ugus, Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, Topology Authentication in RPL, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:1312.0984, December 2013.
Matthias Wählisch, Conference Reports. Sec '13: 22nd USENIX Security Symposium. Large Scale Systems Security III, ;login:, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 29--31, Dec. 2013. Electronic supplement
Matthias Wählisch, Andr{'e} Vorbach, Christian Keil, Jochen Schönfelder, Thomas C. Schmidt, Jochen H. Schiller, Design, Implementation, and Operation of a Mobile Honeypot, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:1301.7257, Jan 2013.
Matthias Wählisch, Sebastian Trapp, Jochen Schiller, Benjamin Jochheim, Theodor Nolte, Thomas C. Schmidt, Osman Ugus, Dirk Westhoff, Martin Kutscher, Matthias Küster, Christian Keil, Jochen Schönfelder, Vitamin C for your Smartphone: The SKIMS Approach for Cooperative and Lightweight Security at Mobiles, In: Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM. Demo, pp. 271--272, New York: ACM, August 2012.
Matthias Wählisch, Sebastian Trapp, Christian Keil, Jochen Schönfelder, Thomas C. Schmidt, Jochen Schiller, First Insights from a Mobile Honeypot, In: Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM. Poster, pp. 305--306, New York: ACM, August 2012.
Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, Markus Vahlenkamp, Bulk of Interest: Performance Measurement of Content-Centric Routing, In: Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM. Poster, pp. 99--100, New York: ACM, August 2012.
Matthias Wählisch, Olaf Maennel, Thomas C. Schmidt, Towards Detecting BGP Route Hijacking using the RPKI, In: Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM. Poster, pp. 103--104, New York: ACM, August 2012.
Emmanuel Baccelli, Lars Gerhold, Christophe Guettier, Ulrich Meissen, Jochen Schiller, Thomas C. Schmidt, Genevieve Sella, Agnes Voisard, Matthias Wählisch, Georg Wittenburg, SAFEST: A Framework for Early Security Triggers in Public Spaces, In: Proc. of WISG 2012 -- Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Securite Globale, January 2012.
Randy Bush, Rob Austein, Keyur Patel, Hannes Gredler, Matthias Waehlisch, RPKI Router Implementation Report, individual, IETF Internet Draft -- work in progress, No. 01, January 2012.
Sebastian Trapp, Matthias Wählisch, Jochen Schiller, Bridge the Gap: Measuring and Analyzing Technical Data for Social Trust between Smartphones, Open Archive:, Technical Report, No. arXiv:1205.3068, May 2012.
Sebastian Trapp, Matthias Wählisch, Jochen Schiller, Short Paper: Can Your Phone Trust Your Friend Selection?, In: Proc. of the 1st ACM CCS Workshop on Security and Privacy in Mobile Devices (SPSM), pp. 69--74, New York: ACM, 2011.
Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Benjamin Jochheim, Michael Gröning, WiSec 2011 Poster: Context-adaptive Entropy Analysis as a Lightweight Detector of Zero-day Shellcode Intrusion for Mobiles, ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 47--48, New York: ACM, July 2011.
Alexander Knauf, Gabriel Hege, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Waehlisch, A Usage for Shared Resources in RELOAD (ShaRe), individual, IETF Internet Draft -- work in progress, No. 00, March 2011.
Matthias Wählisch, One Day in the Life of RPKI, RIPE Labs, Community note, Dec. 2011.
Matthias Wählisch, Beta Version of the RPKI RTR Client C Library Released, RIPE Labs, Community note, Sep. 2011.
Hans L. Cycon, Gabriel Hege, Detlev Marpe, Mark Palkow, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Connecting the Worlds: Multipoint Videoconferencing Integrating H.323 and IPv4, SIP and IPv6 with Autonomous Sender Authentication, In: 13th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE'09), pp. 890--893, Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE Press, May 2009.
Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, Gabriel Hege, Overlay AuthoCast: Distributed Sender Authentication in Overlay Multicast, In: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE INFOCOM. Student Workshop, Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE Press, April 2009. Extended abstract
Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Olaf Christ, AuthoCast -- A Protocol for Mobile Multicast Sender Authentication, In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing \& Multimedia (MoMM 2008), (Gabriele Kotsis, David Taniar, Eric Pardede, Ismail Khalil Ed.), pp. 142--149, New York: ACM, November 2008.
Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Olaf Christ, Gabriel Hege, AuthoCast --- a mobility-compliant protocol framework for multicast sender authentication, Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 1, No. 6, pp. 495--509, John Wiley and Sons, December 2008.
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